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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
October 23, 2012
Memorial Hall

Members Present:        
W. Ritter, O. Lies, A. Bonofiglio, J. Head, S. Carlson, J. Michalak

Members Absent: 
D. Lindberg

Others Present: 
P. Harding, Town Planner; Deb Sciascia, Recording Secretary;
        D. Hazen, DPW

7:00 PM:  W. Ritter called the Planning Board meeting to order.

7:00 p.m. CONTINUATION PUBLIC HEARING, Site Plan Review / Special Permit, Extension of Time, Jefferson Mill, Mill Pond, LLC, 47 Condominium Units:  At the September 25, 2012 meeting a White Oak member was present to discuss the lack of response from Mill Pond Realty regarding the ownership and maintenance of the dam.  The Planning Board requested the applicant address this issue and continued the hearing to October 23, 2012.

Mark Donohoe, Andrysik Land Surveying, addressed the Board.  White Oak has submitted an e-mail stating that a cost sharing agreement for repairs of the dam has been reached.  In a letter dated October 12, 2012 from Heath Properties to White Oak Land Conservation Society, it outlines the breakdown of ownership responsibility as follows:  40% for both White Oak and the owner of Mill Pond Place and 20% Sundin Trust.

W. Ritter read the letters from White Oak and Heath Properties into record.  The only condition is the extension of time, and P. Harding recommended a two-year extension.

Paul McManus, EcoTec, 102 Grove St., is present at this meeting, representing White Oak.  O. Lies asked what they planned on doing in the next 2 years.  Mark Donohoe said the property will be sold to a new owner and the condos will be developed.

A. Bonofiglio motioned to close the Public Hearing.  O. Lies seconded.  Vote 6-0, all in favor.

A. Bonofiglio motioned to approve the extension of time of the Site Plan Special Permit Application of Mill Pond Realty Trust for the Jefferson Plan with all conditions of the September 13, 2005 decision with the following amendment;

CONDITION #3 SHALL READ:  Failure to complete construction by October 23, 2014 shall result in an automatic rescission of approval by the Planning Board.

W. Ritter inquired as to what should be in place as an agreement for maintaining the property.  There should also be a condition that the future owner is responsible for future dam repairs.

Paul McManus addressed the Board regarding mandates and obligations for the property should read ‘inspection portion and required maintenance’.

A. Bonofiglio motioned condition #31 shall read ‘the applicant shall comply with all requirements imposed by DCR and regulations as imposed in regards to dam maintenance, repair and safety’.  O. Lies seconded.  Vote 6-0, all in favor.  APPROVED.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office.

  • August 7, 2012:  A. Bonofiglio motioned to approve.  J. Head seconded.  J. Mikalak abstained from the vote.  Vote 5-0-1, APPROVED.
7:15 p.m.  PUBLIC HEARING, PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION, Winter Ridge Inc., LLC Salisbury Street:  The applicant filed a preliminary subdivision for a Open Space Residential Development.  For review the Board has the as-of-right subdivision layout as well as the cluster subdivision layout.

The yield plan depicts 46 lots under conventional zoning.  The OSRD plan provides a 20% density bonus for the preservation of open space above the required 50%, as well as the construction of hiking trails to permit 55 units.

The Cluster Development proposes an emergency access only roadway connecting to January Lane, details on the restricted access are not included in the application.  The Board has the Fire Chief’s comments.  A traffic study, environmental assessment, stormwater and density calculations, will be required for the definitive filing.

The Board also has a map of abutting open space, and a draft of conditions for review.

Michael Dryden, Waterman Design Associates, presented the plan to the Board, highlighting the open space.  W. Ritter read a letter from White Oak dated October 19, 2012, into record.

Paul McManus, representing White Oak, addressed the Board, stating that they are very interested in obtaining ownership of this property.  He has also met with Scott Sundin regarding obtaining an easement to allow a trail connection between the cluster open space piece and an abutting 11 acres parcel currently owned by White Oak which abut at a point.

A. Bonofiglio inquired as to who is responsible for maintaining these open space areas.  P. McManus said that volunteers do.  All White Oak trails are open to the public.

O. Lies asked who owns the trails.  White Oak will own the trails if they obtain ownership of the property.   P. Harding stated that the contractor is responsible for creating these trails, until White Oak takes over the property.  O. Lies asked Michael Dryden to explain sheet #2, and stated that this is one of the worst developments the town has seen regarding density.

W. Ritter said the Board is going to have to make a decision if they want a typical plan or high density plan.  The Board will also need to review all the waivers the applicant is asking for.

J. Head asked if there were any traffic studies yet.  No, due to the fact that this is only a preliminary plan.  Both W. Ritter and P. Harding agreed that Salisbury St. could handle the traffic.  J. Head also asked about the roadway elevations in comparison to Salisbury St.  The frontage for each lot is approximately 60’ feet.

A. Bonofiglio motioned to putting off the Public Hearing to November 13, 2012, to allow Mr. McManus time to look at a conventional plan.

Steve Lane said they were excited about this By-law, for a development of this type and not certain that it is economical to proceed with the conventional plan.

Michael Dryden informed the Board that it’s the Open Space Plan they intend to build, not the conventional plan.

Public Comment(s):
  • Ron Packard, 861 Salisbury St:  Asked if fire or police have commented.  P. Harding read an email from the fire chief, into record with his recommendations.
A. Bonofiglio withdrew his motion

J. Head motioned to close the Public Hearing.  S. Carlson seconded.

J. Head motioned to approve the preliminary subdivision plan for Winter Ridge Estates subject to plans entitled Preliminary OSRD, reading the draft of conditions into record.  A. Bonofiglio seconded.

O. Lies said he was disappointed that White Oaks is a quite large sized, high-density development.

This is a preliminary plan where the majority rules.  If the applicant submits a definitive filing under the Open Space By-law a super majority vote from the Board will be required this means, 5 out of 7.  The OSRD development will require 2 approvals; a special permit for a cluster development, and definitive subdivision.

Vote 5-1, O. Lies opposed.  APPROVED.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office.

  • Orioles Project:  S. Carlson said the Board should be watching this project.  The slope is terrible.  P. Harding said there were erosion control problems but the applicant addressed them immediately.  They need some stabilization by the winter.  D. Hazen explained the project is in a transition period regarding the drainage, the applicant is currently installing drainage for the parking lot.
  • 100 Industrial Drive:  The company going into this site raises chickens and uses the egg white for vaccinations.
NEXT MEETING:  November 13, 2012
A. Bonofiglio motioned to adjourn.  S. Carlson seconded.  All in favor.

Adjourned 8:25 PM.

October 23, 2012 Minutes approved:         November 13, 2012    

Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary